
About Nina

Meet Nina – your guide through transformation! With over 18 years of experience in Human Resources and working with top leaders in corporations, in small & medium enterprises and with pro-athletes, Nina has become a master at leading individuals, teams, and organizations through change.

Nina’s background in psychology, coupled with her impressive track record of success with companies like Unilever, Philips, and Credit Suisse, makes her an invaluable asset to any organization undergoing a transformation.  As a Global Change Management Lead, she has the knowledge and skills necessary to empower individuals, build burning desires, and create actional plans that lead to lasting success.

But what really sets Nina apart is her unwavering commitment to empathy and understanding. She knows that change can be tough, and she’s not afraid to roll up her sleeves and work with her clients to find the best solutions. Her ability to connect mental and physical movement helps her clients live their dream lives, while her practice of yoga and as a meditation teacher ensures they stay grounded and focused throughout the process.

In addition to her impressive resume, Nina is also an Associate Certified Coach by International Coaching Federation (ICF), an InnerMost Shift Transformational Coach, and a PROSCI Change Management lead. She’s also certified in the Change Acceleration Process (CAP) and a Neurolinguistic Programming Practitioner and Trainer (NLP).

When she’s not helping clients navigate change, Nina loves to spend time outside in nature, whether she’s hiking, skiing, or ski-touring. As someone who’s lived in three different countries, she’s passionate about meeting people from all cultures and backgrounds.

If you’re looking for a guide to help you or your organization through a transformation, look no further than Nina. With her experience, empathy, and commitment to success, she is the perfect partner to help you achieve your goals.

Nina Vyslouzilova


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