
Individual coaching

We all have our own ‘magnetic fields’ deep within us, which draw the many things that we feel passionate about. But most often, we are unaware of this primal instinct that motivates our choices and behavior. This is where a coach can guide to help find our core and build a compass to make the journey more conscious and a fulfilling one.

Having this sense of awareness, will help us to move ahead in our profession, as we start looking for directions within us rather than looking at what just lies ahead of us.

Rise Up with Nina as she engages with you in a reflective conversation filled with incisive questions that will acquaint you to your innermost motivation. Nina does this with the aid of a powerful methodology, INNERMOST SHIFT COACHING (IMSC) and is the first coach to be certified with this in Central Europe.

Svetlana Dankovicova

“Nina creates for me a safe environment where I can openly share, I feel encouraged, and trusted. She is very empathetic and knows when to push and when any pressure would rather create resistance.
Her coaching leads me to look at things from new perspectives, to uncover my true value and to believe in myself especially when I am facing new challenging situations.”

Svetlana Dankovicova

CEO Dynastion, Private banking, Slovakia


Innermost Shift Coaching (IMSC)

INNERMOST SHIFT COACHING (IMSC) is about ‘Navigating you to Beingness’, to make the absolute BEST choices for yourself.

Nina will enable you mindfully:

  • Connect to your highest Potential to generate new choices
  • Discover the way you Love to be you and what you Love to create and contribute
  • Respect your Uniqueness and your Unique circumstances
  • Operate from a deep sense of Inner Knowing

The IMSC model positively transforms you, inculcating its rich knowledge of the model to you. This is achieved by using a diverse situation specific coaching tools that focus on attaining, retaining and sustaining this new and effective perspective. The shift you will feel somatically will empower you and make you more confident in your choices. This shift is referred  to as Yoga-Somatic Mindfulness Practice. IMSC addresses to the wholeness of Human Existence, which encapsulates:

  • Discover and dissolve the unconscious unaddressed issues
  • Understand the positive impact you love to make
  • Know the positive purpose you want to serve
  • Identify who you want to be, evolve, and excel
  • Create the values you cherish
  • Revamp the belief system
  • Build superior capabilities
  • Demonstrate new behaviors, approach, and action-set

Who is this for:

  • High-achieved Individuals
  • Leaders
  • CEO
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Career Transitions
  • Sport Professionals

Nina offers you 3 proven and well-structured programs on RESILIENCE, I AND THE OTHER in a relationship, and SUCCESS, each focusing on different aspects to deep dive within, and an opportunity of a tailored-made EXCELLENCE program, built on what truly matters only to you. R.I.S.E. UP to your BEST!

Renita Carter

“What is good about the coaching sessions with Nina is that each time, there is a moment of discovery. Things that I have been unconsciously but consciously doing to sabotage my growth and forward momentum are revealed and released.”

Renita Carter

Event Management Services, USA, New York



The hallmark of a successful person lies in how they objectively respond in an unfavorable situation. They train themselves not to lose focus by  momentary  triggers of happiness or frustration but keep sight of richer rewards. Simply put, they control the situation, rather than allowing a situation to control them.

Rise Up with Nina as she Builds a Flow State with an Optimistic vision, bringing to surface your inner Resilience

Nina, through her interactions with you, will bring to your awareness the patterns that create a ‘good feeling’ within you and assess how critical they are to you in any situation.

She will also coach you to experience a new surge of energy allowing you to bio-neurologically integrate in every cell of your being, so that newly experienced choice behavior becomes a natural and unconscious response.

The methods she will employ for this program are:

  • Connecting to your Supreme State of Excellence
  • Feel good for no damn reason
  • Attaining free Flow state
  • Move from a problem to a solution
  • Supercharging your optimism and resilience
  • Winning over Procrastination
Martin Mitanek

“I have learned to deal with stress situations, eliminate my fear and deal with important conversations. I am getting better in positive thinking.
Important is to start coaching even without any big expectations.”

Martin Mitanek

Senior Relationship Manager, Slovakia


I and the Other

Relationships are one of the most dynamic factors at play impacting business outcomes and personal fulfilment. Strong relationships provide a sense of security and belonging, creating a positive state of mind. When relationships are rooted in trust and respect, it is easier to find solutions in times of disagreement and feedbacks are not misunderstood as criticisms.

Rise Up with Nina to create Harmony and Understanding in your relationships

Nina will create a safe space for you, to dwell deep and find how important it is for you to nurture relationships. With this understanding, she will guide you to create harmony ‘among you and others’ by making you more flexible and creative in your approach. This will enable you to live fulfilled relationships in any area of your life and equips you to lead others to improve their relationships.

What more, she will guide you on how you can build back broken bridges in a relationship, how to lead teams by clear unified direction and have their commitment in delivering results.

The methods she will employ for this program are:

  • Connecting to your Supreme state of Excellence
  • Creating understanding and harmony in relationships
  • Solving an actual relationship issue
  • Building a relationship of your dreams
  • How to gain commitment of others (at home or at work)
Klara Svejdova

“I must admit, that in addition to what I wanted to get from coaching (analyze my problem and get to a solution), I gained much more. I certainly did not expect it to affect my thinking about myself. I figured out what is holding me back from success.”

Klara Svejdova

Actuary Consultant, Czech Republic



Outstanding people work systematically and strategically to accomplish what they aspire. They let the vision evolve, have the ability to create immense clarity of goal, become resourceful, and interact with people to take them along.

They maintain a steady pace, recovering soon from setbacks and do not procrastinate.

Rise Up with Nina as she guides you on Evolving your Vision, Building Commitment and Strategizing for Outstanding Accomplishment

Nina will model a strategy of successful people that will work for you, by identifying your motivation drivers and coach you into channelizing them. This will result in the dilution of procrastination and increasing the commitment to a goal you wish to achieve.

The methods she will employ for this program are:

  • Connecting to your Supreme State of Excellence
  • Evolving a Vision
  • Clarity of the goal
  • Creating Purposefulness
  • Supercharge your goal!
  • Mapping Milestones. Plan, Progress and Prosper
Michael Mullins

“Recently I was struggling with motivation and clarity, and I needed to focus more on developing my independent activities. During our coaching calls I have been gradually discovering a lot of things about myself and can see progress and momentum every week. As a serial procrastinator, one of the aspects that has been most helpful to me is accountability.”

Michael Mullins

Technology expert, Switzerland



The vibrancy in each person lies in the many nuances in the personality and character, making everyone unique. These nuances camouflage themselves in the broader and cliche terms that are more popular to safe-guard the secrets of uniqueness from one another. But having an awareness on what those subtle elements are, can make ‘you’ a better version of ‘you’.

Rise Up with Nina to excel into your true self through a tailor-made program for you
A tailor-made set of sessions just to focus on what matters to you, and only you. Nina will navigate you in a direction where you can put to words those incoherent feelings you were skeptical to explore alone by yourself. She creates a safe space of an empathetic atmosphere with no judgements. She will help you comprehend on your inner-self, so that you find a sustained source for continuous fulfilment.

The methods she will employ for this program are:

  • A detailed discussion to develop a program custom made for you and will start only post reconfirmation from you
  • You get to set the length and intensity of the program, based on your desires and intended possibilities
  • Connect to your Highest Potential and Uniqueness
  • BONUS: Access to an online assessment of ‘Branding with Archetypes’ (based on Carl G. Jung’s archetypes)
  • BONUS 2: An additional free hour to walk you through the findings and how to use the results from the assessment for both professional and personal branding
Ligia L. Gutierrez

“Nina, without it feeling intrusive, will delve deeper into my surface-level answers to get to the heart of my issues/ concerns/ problems that I needed to address in my business or personally. She has a lovely way of coaching that is encouraging, caring, and supportive. Nina brings out the best of me and helps me to thrive!”

Ligia L. Gutierrez

Executive Leadership Coach, USA, California


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to create game-changing experiences that will take you from good to great results.

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